
What is the minimum order for Screen Printing?

For tee shirts we require you to order at least 12. We do offer single “one off” printing starting at $30 per garment.

What’s the turn-a-round time?

Depending on the size of the order oor screen printing our standard turn-a-round time is 10 - 12 business days. We will let you know if it will take longer than expected.

What is a “Screen Charge”?

A Screen Charge is the cost for the screens to be used in screen printing. This covers the film that is printed, and the time it takes for us to “burn'“ the image on a screen and clean it afterward. This goes by the amount of colors you have in your design. For example: a 2 color front will have 2 screen charges. A single color front with a 5 color back will have 6 screen charges.

What is a “Flash Charge”?

The flash charge is for printing bright colors on dark garments. We have to print, flash - then print again (putting 2 layers of ink to give a bright look.) This takes more time and more materials.